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Life at Campus

Fachada de edificio Wellness Center, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Life at Campus
8 out of 10 high school and undergraduate students participate in student leadership development activities.
Alumna en entrenamiento con vallas de atletismo

Student Talent Development

Talent is expressed differently in each and every one of us and becoming a member of the Tec community gives you the opportunity to embrace a student environment where you can discover, put into practice or drive your talent. The Tec offers innumerable opportunities for your integral education and for you to combine your professional studies with whatever you are passionate about.

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Artistic and Cultural Talent

We wholeheartedly believe that through artistic expression, students can cultivate their potential in literature, drama, music, art and dance and express their concerns, interests and emotions.

We offer workshops, cultural and arts classes where you can learn and grow your skills in different artistic expressions. Such as contemporary dance, jazz, hip, hop, Latin rhythms, Arabian and Irish dance. As well as take classes in guitar, keyboard, percussion, painting, photography, amongst many others.

You can participate in plays, concerts, musical theater productions and/or join our theater, music, dance companies.

At Tec, you can participate in nationwide competitions in dance, creative writing, monologs and music performance. Also, some traditional folk dance companies have travelled and toured Europe, Asia, Latin America and United States.

You will appreciate fine arts through the “Escuela de Espectadores”, or collaborate with masters in lighting, scenery, sound, costume, make-up, through the “Escuela de Productores”.

The opportunities are exponential. Extraordinary talents have cultivated their talents within our institution. Our alumni include such talents as Ignacio Llantada, Paloma Cordero, Horacio Castelo, Alberto (Beto) Castillo who lived these moments as students and are now stars in their respective fields.


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Talento Atlético y Deportivo

We are convinced that at practicing any sports activity gives you skills and experiences that contribute to your full development. We provide spaces that will help you to either maintain a healthy lifestyle or achieve your athletic goals. There are programs for everyone at the athletics and sports department.

Sport classes

You can join a sport class at any level in which you can learn, practice or improve your skills. We offer classes in athletics, boxing, basketball, yoga, capoeira, spinning, TRX, soccer, swimming, taekwondo, rugby or volleyball, just to name a few.


If you are passionate about a sport, you can participate in our intramural tournaments in table tennis, E-sports, soccer, basketball, volleyball, drone racing and others.

Intramurals are organized based on student´s interest and current trends. The tournaments are between students from your campus and also from other campuses.

High performance

If you are already an outstanding athlete, you can join one of our 156 varsity teams in 23 different disciplines nationwide and compete against other universities as a proud Borrego. With talent, discipline, and your coach´s guidance and support, you can achieve your competitive goals but also learn lessons that will last a lifetime. Our varsity teams represent our school at national competitions such as CONADEIP Championships, CONDDE National University Games and other high-level team sports leagues. Our student athletes have competed representing México at international competitions such as FISU World University Games, Central American and Pan-American Games, World Championships and Olympic Games. Our alumni include extraordinary world-class sports talents such as Fernando Platas (Diving), Luis Rivera (Athletics), Eduardo Najera (Basketball), Bibiana Candelas (Beach Volleyball), Ana Paula de la Peña (Tennis), among others.


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 prepatec scholarshipkeyboard_arrow_right

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Discover your talents

Take a chance and discover new talents. There are more programs that can be created according to your interests, needs and proposals because as LiFE we are convinced that to achieve transcendence in a human being, we have to do what we are passionate about and love. If other students like you have other talents, new programs can be created according to their interests and needs.


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 PrepaTec Scholarshipkeyboard_arrow_right

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 Undergraduate Scholarshipkeyboard_arrow_right

account_balance_wallet Entrepreneurship Talent 
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Bienestar Integral es el estado de las personas y las comunidades

Student Wellbeing

For Tec de Monterrey, Integral Wellbeing is the state of individuals and communities that contributes to their conscious, constant and balanced development in the physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, occupational and financial dimensions, in harmony with their environment. Integral wellness allows us to evolve, approaching a state of plenitude, contributing positively to the common good.

The Student Wellbeing area on your campus is intended to support and guide you to develop the balance of the seven dimensions of your well-being through:

  • Prevention and Emotional Counseling
  • Wellbeing Training
  • Development of Competences and Skills for Academic Success
Professional Development

The Life and Career Center helps all students to identify the professional development path of their choice, as an entrepreneur, employee, conducting research, contributing to the third sector or pursuing specialization studies.

Life at Tec
Borregos, Tec de Monterrey
Interior de biblioteca campus Monterrey
Alumnos realizando su servicio en comunidad
Chilaquiles Tec
At Tecnológico de Monterrey we prioritize, through initiatives, synergies and actions, the well-being of our entire community in areas of health, mobility, food and safe environments.