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Bachelor in Global Business

Business Perspective Across Borders

The current business environment is dynamic and ever-growing, so it is of utmost importance to understand it in a comprenhensive and clear way. As a Bachelor in Global Business graduate, you will generate growth by facing challenges and transforming them into opportunities. You will interact with people from different cultures and use digital tools to create business plans and strategies that generate growth in this volatile and unpredictable environment.
Alumno en computadora

Field Of Work

With these skills, you will be able to generate value in different global environments and develop career options in fields, such as:

  • Multinational and domestic companies with operations in Mexico and around the world
  • Global supply chain and logistics companies.
  • Government and private organizations that promote foreign trade and investment
  • Consulting for international companies focused on international operations, trade, customs, negotiations and multiculturalism
  • Starting up your own project

Is This You?

If you consider yourself a citizen of the world, committed with your country and region´s development, with multicultural leadership, and promoter of a new vision for the future that fosters cooperation in international environments, Global Business is your path.

Study Program

Choose Your Path

Radar BGB


  1. You develop the competencies of the Business discipline, which you will master throughout your experience at #NegociosTEC.
  2. You will learn the fundamental concepts of the Business discipline.
  3. You will partake in challenges to understand and explore Business fundamentals, where you will interact with classmates from different majors.
  4. You will take general education courses, which you will choose from a wide offer of topics.
  5. You will participate in an integrated business challenge that requires the application of all the competencies and knowledge developed throughout this stage.


  1. You will acquire core knowledge and competencies of your major area, those that make your program unique.
  2. You will participate in focused challenges, to reinforce what you have learned and expand the core knowledge.
  3. You will decide whether to focus deeper into your major or to diversify into other complementary areas.
  4. You will experience the TEC Weeks that include experiences and extracurricular activities that will enrich your program.


  1. You have decided between diversifying or focusing in depth into your major, which you will achieve by choosing a concentration, a professional internship or even a period abroad. The TEC Semester will give you the flexibility to customize your academic program.
  2. You will develop competencies related to your passions, interests and professional plans.
  3. By passing a concentration, you will develop your competencies, and, on graduating, will be a candidate for obtaining a Diploma in that concentration, after meeting the established requirements.


How can you specialize?


Concentraciones  Concentrations

Specialize in one of the different concentrations available at the campus of your choice, according to the profile you would like to develop.

Estancias  Internships

Internships allow you to participate in the development of specific projects with companies, organizations, or research groups, in a context of total immersion related to a specialty field. They can be carried out locally, nationally or internationally.

Experiencias  International experiences

Experience life outside Mexico to broaden your horizons and delve into the topics of your interest.

Materias  Courses or blocks

Choose the education units that best adapt to your objectives, enabling you to specialize in your specific interests.



Delve into your field of study

  • Business Analytics: from Data to Decisions
  • Digital Supply Chains: Trends and Innovation
  • Driving Global Business Across Frontiers
  • Innovation and Digital Transformation
  • Open Innovation and Technology Transfer
  • Strategic Management of Omnichannel Retail


Delve into other fields of study

  • Entrepreneurial Families, Sustainability and Transcendence
  • Entrepreneurship in Action
  • Government and Public Transformation
  • Mexican Culture
  • Quality of Life and Well-Being
  • Social Innovation

*These concentraciones are not the definitive offer and their availability varies by campus.


Study Program
Plan de Estudio Bachelor in Global Business

 General education course

 Area exploration course

 Introductory block (CHALLENGE)

 Area exploration block (CHALLENGE)

 Optional block outside the area (CHALLENGE)

 Global area block (CHALLENGE)

 Disciplinary course

 Disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

 Disciplinary global block (CHALLENGE)

 Multi-disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

 Final global block (CHALLENGE)

 TEC Semester

Download program’s infographic
Infographic BGB
Remedial Semestral
Unidades de formación del semestre de introducción
Primer Semestral
El rol de los negocios en la sociedad
Dirección de los negocios
Análisis financiero
Economía empresarial
Optativa de matemáticas y ciencias
Decisiones financieras
Razonamiento matemático
Globalización de los negocios
Globalización de los negocios
Estrategia y talento
Programación para negocios
Segundo Semestral
Comunicación que inspira
Análisis para la toma de decisiones
Pensamiento estadístico
Dirección financiera
Legalidad y negocios responsables
Optativa de humanidades y bellas artes
Ideación y prototipado
Innovación de modelos de negocios
Descubrimientos del mercado para el desarrollo de estrategias
Procesos de gestión de talento
Tercer Semestral
Creación de valor compartido
Estrategias de planeación financiera
Optativa de ciencias sociales y del comportamiento
Proyecto de innovación empresarial
Evaluación de proyectos de inversión
Construcción de soluciones para el mercado
Estrategias de mercado y diferenciación
Competitividad internacional y oportunidades de crecimiento
Dimensión estratégica del capital humano
Tópico de exploración
Cuarto Semestral
Optativa de liderazgo, emprendimiento e innovación
Panorama internacional de los negocios
Panorama internacional de los negocios
Plan de exportación
Plan de exportación
Negocios globales: tendencias y detección de riesgos
Negocios globales: tendencias y detección de riesgos
Operación logística internacional
Quinto Semestral
Optativa de ética y ciudadanía
Administración de importaciones y sus regulaciones
Administración de importaciones y sus regulaciones
Desarrollo internacional de servicios
Desarrollo internacional de servicios
Negociación Intercultural
Negociación Intercultural
Ventas y contratos internacionales
Ventas y contratos internacionales
Sexto Semestral
Optativa Profesional I
Optativa Profesional II
Optativa profesional III
Optativa profesional IV
Optativa profesional V
Optativa profesional VI
Séptimo Semestral
Tópicos I
Tópicos II
Tópicos III
Tópicos IV
Tópicos V
Tópicos VI
Octavo Semestral
Desarrollo de estrategias de internacionalización para el siglo XXI
Desarrollo de estrategias de internacionalización para el siglo XXI
Optativa profesional multidisciplinaria
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Campus Puebla
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Campus Ciudad de México
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Campus Guadalajara
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